Consulting company in Slovenia

We specialize in consulting and outsourcing services in the field of niche and market analysis

  • System of effective distribution and sales.
  • Market research and selection of buyers in the CIS countries for goods and services from European countries.
  • Selecting buyers in the European Union for goods and raw materials produced in the countries of the East Asian region.

Our core services:

Unlike standard descriptive research, our market analysis is aimed at creating practical value for the client. The main objective is to formulate valuable conclusions and useful recommendations for the prosperity of the client's business.

Study of sales markets in the CIS countries for products produced in the European Union

  • Georgia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Armenia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Uzbekistan
Study and analysis of the sales market in Turkey for products manufactured in the CIS countries, the European Union and the countries of the East Asian region.

  • For European products and for goods and raw materials produced in countries East Asian region.
Research of the market of the European Union countries on the possibility of supplying products manufactured in the territories of the South-Eastern region of Eurasia and CIS countries.

  • For CIS countries for goods and raw materials produced in countries East Asian region.

Market Analysis Includes

Unlike standard descriptive research, our market analysis is aimed at creating practical value for the client. The main task is to formulate valuable conclusions and useful recommendations for the prosperity of the client's business.

General characteristics of markets

General characteristics of markets where the enterprise plans to sell its goods (services) provide an idea of ​​the specifics of working in the market, the mechanism of the market, the legislative norms governing activities in this market, and its development trends.

Market Potential Analysis

Consists of assessing the capacity and volume of the market, analyzing its dynamics. The analysis allows you to forecast market changes, which is important for making a decision on entering a new market or assessing the current position of the company.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is an integral part of the research, as it identifies the main types of competition in the market and shows the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, their capabilities, level of quality, technical service, pricing policy.

Consumer Analysis

Consumer analysis allows you to identify the behavioral characteristics of each participant in the supply chain, the main factors in choosing a Supplier, and highlight the main consumer requirements for products (services). We pay special attention to finding potential consumer problems that arise in connection with the consumption of your service or product

Research Results

Report with a full description of all the work carried out, the methods of their implementation and the main conclusions and recommendations;

Why us?

We have vast experience in marketing research. We have conducted more than 350 studies. The partner base allows us to carry out large-scale projects of the largest wholesale companies and retail chains.

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Consulting Profi

We help leading enterprises develop in various sectors of the economy. We develop long-term development strategies, improve business processes.

We represent the interests of individuals and legal entities within the framework of:

  • development or decline trends;
  • economic and historical reasons for existence;
  • features of territorial placement (region, population);
  • the presence of legal, economic and geographical restrictions;
  • the market structure of distribution systems, the configuration of which depends on the number of companies and the quality of their sales systems selling identical products on the market.

Market search helps to navigate the markets in which the sale of products is possible and segment potential consumers. The market is not homogeneous in its structure and competent market segmentation allows us to identify factors influencing the buyer's choice and develop individual sales promotion programs and forms of commercial proposals for each segment.

more than 10 years of experience

500+ Projects

4 experts in the team

98.2% of repeat customer requests

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